Your Experts for Long Term Care Insurance!
We can manage your long term care insurance claims so you don’t have to.
You have invested in your long term care policy for years. Now you can rely on Value Care’s successful experience with insurance companies to manage the ongoing paperwork and interactions on your behalf.
For a small fee, most of our clients count on Value Care to coordinate with a highly experienced long term care insurance billing firm. You receive the following benefits – helping you to focus on your wellbeing.
- More Care for your long term care insurance dollars.
- That’s the Value Care difference! Less cost can allow you to have more hours of care as you need them.
- An extra hour of care a day can make all the difference.
- Quickly verified insurance policies.
- So you can start your care that much faster.
- Initial and ongoing visits from a nursing professional.
- To correctly confirm and reaffirm your care needs.
- These visits are included as part of the overall fee.
- Weekly invoicing that meets your insurance company’s specific requirements
- Betters processes that enable faster payments.
- Timely payments to your caregivers.
- Even though it can take months for Value Care to be compensated.
With Value Care, you’ll receive more referred care, while avoiding the complications of attempting to pay your caregiver. You deserve more help and less worry.
To learn more about how we can help you with your long term care insurance claims Call Us Today.